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    Apple's Latest Limitation

    Recently Apple introduced a new limitation on our freedom to install any apps on our devices. Now you need to wait till apple gracefully allows you to do it. Previously, as soon as we registered the device for VIP, Apple ussied new provisioning profiles, that allow to install apps, immediately. We have not faced any issues with this. But from yesterday, Apple introduced a limitation, which resulted in a delay from VIP activation to provisioning issuance. It works only for some devices. Most of the devices still will be processed immediately.

    This is the reason why some of you had "Apple's latest limitation" error.

    We do not know how Apple detects such devices, but we have implemented new checks and VIP statuses. Now, you can see what exactly is happening with your VIP since activation at the VIP status page. It may be limited by Apple for a certain amount of time (up to 3 days), but suddenly we can do nothing with this at the moment, we can only wait. We will continue to investigate how to bypass this new limitation.

    We will automatically check status of your VIP at Apple periodically and send you an email when everything is OK.

    If you have any other questions, you can contact us via email: