Mỗi bản cập nhật tới Unc0ver luôn nhanh, giống như các bản jailbreak iOS 14 gần đây. Các bản cập nhật phát hành nhanh cũng có nghĩa là có nhiều vấn đề về chi tiết. Mới tối qua Pwn20wnd đã cập nhật unc0ver 7.0.2 nữa. unc0ver hỗ trợ Fugu14 untethered jailbreak, and the update fixes some bugs included with iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 jailbreaks.
Mô hình unc0ver 7.0.2 Updates changelog on the official site does not detail fixed bugs, so experienced developers are still advised to use unc0ver and Fugu14 for untethered jailbreak.
Mục lục
Những lưu ý khi sử dụng unc0ver 7.0.2
unc0ver 7.0.2, after being the first tool to support Fugu14, bẻ khóa không bị ràng buộc for arm64e phones (iPhone XS and newer) with iOS 14.4-14.5.1 or iPadOS 14.4-14.5.1 jailbreak was the top story of the past week.
Tuy nhiên, việc triển khai jailbreak không dây Fugu14 không làm thay đổi điều đó unc0ver is still an imperfect jailbreak. Still, it is worth noting that untethered jailbreak acts as a mechanism to keep unc0ver jailbreak applications signed indefinitely. Users no longer need to use a computer and signing tool to re-sign the unc0ver jailbreak toolkit every seven days.
Users currently using unc0ver jailbreak are advised to update to unc0ver 7.0.2, as the bug fix ultimately benefits users.

Cách Sử dụng unc0ver to jailbreak iOS 14.4-14.5.1
unc0ver v7.0.2 is available for free download from the unc0ver official website, and the jailbreak process is in the detailed tutorial below.
Update Altstore to version 1.4.8 using a Mac computer.
Tải về unc0ver 7.0.2 từ unc0ver official website and sign it using AltStore. During the signing process, a prompt will ask you to install untether (the same as an Unc0ver that never expires). Click “Install Untethered Jailbreak.” When the installation is complete, click “Open Placeholder.”

Wait for the installation to complete, and then Fugu14 will open automatically. Click on the blue font “Setup Fugu14”. When it is done, you will be prompted with “Setup done.”
Use your computer to sign unc0ver once again using AltStore, but this time, click on “Install Without Untethering.” The phone will then have the newly installed unc0ver 7.0.2 icon on the iPhone desktop.

Nhấp vào unc0ver to start the jailbreak.
Lưu ý rằng unc0ver supports all iOS 11.0-14.3 and iPadOS 11.0-14.3, but only iOS 14.4-14.5.1 on arm64e devices.